Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Post Graduate Studies

Hi everyone, I will talk about a post graduate studies. For a little part of the population, take a post graduate course in not necessary, but most of people think the opposite, that is very important have a lot of knowledge or had a specialization in some area in which you have more places to work.
The principal reason to do a course after graduate is for get other abilities that don’t learn in the under graduate education, because is specialised in what you want to do in the near future. In other words, it is what I said before: “Get more knowledge for the future”.

Some subjects I would to like to study on a post graduate course maybe can be related with   Silviculture area or woodland, the second one towards to the urban woodland.

I would like study abroad. I really think that out of Chile are better opportunities to study, because is other reality and other environment, so have different points of view for a same problem.

In this case, I would like to study in part-time course or in a blended system. I think this forms can help me with organizes my free time.

After all what I said, here goes my personal appreciation. I am not sure if I will take a post graduate course or not. I mean, I have like four years to think about it.


  1. interesting post Amanda! I agree with you but I like to take a master's degree although nobody knows the future haha uwu

  2. wow!! I know you will be whatever you want!! see ya
